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by Laurence Rowe published Jul 23, 2009 07:40 PM

Kettle and Kinder Low #3

Home is a state of mind as well as a place. Perhaps it was only by leaving that I could realise what I had left. I'm glad to have had the opportunity to live and work in London and then Norway, but after 20 months away it is a relief to be back in Manchester.

I shall be very glad when my current project is out the way. I'm still getting to grips with permanent employment, project management and multiple projects competing for attention. As a contractor you usually only have one project at a time to worry about. When that finishes you have a break until the next one comes along.

The Latitude Festival was good, but it took me a couple of days to unwind before I could really enjoy it and do more than wander around dazed.

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